Predict your pipeline diversity

The Textio Score is the only metric that is proven to predict the diversity of your candidate pipeline.

When you write to a 100, more candidates apply

Your organization

Input the number of open roles and average applicants per role you expect in the next year to estimate your total applicant volume.

Your applicants

Input the percentage of your current applicants who are part of the following commonly underrepresented groups.

Indicates the typical value for new Textio customers
Your results

See the potential impact of moving your Textio Score into the 90s.


By improving your average Textio Score from 55 to 90, you could see:

Women applicants
Non-white applicants
Estimates based on 50,000 total applicants to
500 open roles over 12 months.
Multiply open roles by average applicants per role to estimate total applicants over 12 months. If total applicants appears inflated, try reducing average applicants per role.
Copy a link to these results:

Want to know your Textio Score?

Textio will analyze your public job posts and determine your current Textio Score. Find out how your pipeline could change by improving your language.

How the Textio Score predicts pipeline diversity


Textio guidance is fueled by a massive data set that includes applicant responses to hundreds of millions of real-world job listings and sourcing emails. Every job post and recruiting email you write with Textio gets a score that shows you how inclusive and engaging it is based on the language that Textio knows works best today. Just follow the guidance to watch your score climb.

The proven impact of increasing your
Textio Score


Better job posts attract more diverse sets of candidates. It starts with removing biased or harmful language that turns away people from underrepresented groups. Then you add engaging language that data and research show appeals to candidates who value diversity, community, and growth. The result for Textio customers: a measurable boost in pipeline diversity.

90 is your team’s new favorite number


The typical job post for a new Textio customer scores a 55. With an improved overall score of 90 across all job posts, Textio customers see on average a 9% increase in non-white applicants and 22% increase in women applicants.

Data visualization (1)

Your estimated impact could be even greater based on your starting Textio Score. Schedule a demo to learn your score today.

What you need beyond a 90

Your recruiting language can open your door to all kinds of candidates. But everything else about your culture determines who walks in, and who stays. To build a diverse and inclusive team, you need a high Textio Score, and you need a culture that’s committed to DEI. It’s not enough to get the words right, but if you’re determined to be an inclusive organization, you must get the words right.

Textio is trusted by over 500 leading talent teams

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Customers logos mobile 2-8-2024-dark

Tell us about your DEI initiatives.

We’ll show you how Textio can help improve your pipeline diversity.