Getting started with Textio

Welcome to your Textio resource hub! This page is intended to help support you as you begin your journey with Textio, so you can write with language that is inclusive and aligns with your brand and values.

Explore lessons at Textio U

Earn certifications from Textio and explore other courses and trainings on inclusive communication at our learning hub, available exclusively to Textio customers.


Inclusive Employer Brand Certification

Learn how everyone in your company (including you), can influence and create an inclusive employer brand.


Inclusive Recruiting Certification

Videos, readings, and hands-on exercises that will teach you how to use thoughtful communication to recruit more inclusively.


How to find and fight bias in your language

Learn how small changes in the words you use at work can have a big impact on employee engagement and belonging.

Textio reference guide

Get to know Textio's main features like the Textio Score, gender tone, and age graph, as well as how to use its language highlights and suggestions to improve your documents. Great for brand-new users and as a refresher for long-time fans!

Kick-start Textio adoption

Learn how to encourage your teams to use Textio and foster healthy adoption from the start. For project leads just starting with Textio or needing some help reinvigorating their process.

Measuring your journey to success

Familiarize yourself with Textio's in-app analytics dashboards to understand how your teams are adding Textio to their workflow. Perfect for project leads committed to a data-driven approach to adoption and usage.

Rethinking your approach to inclusion

A guide to updating and strengthening your organization’s philosophies and strategies around inclusion. For talent and DEI leaders who aim to create a sustainable culture of belonging.