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Block it like it’s hot: Time-blocking for maximum productivity

Ever feel like your day is just a game of whack-a-mole, with tasks popping up faster than you can handle? Enter time-blocking, your new secret weapon for reclaiming your time, and your sanity too. It's the strategy Beyoncé probably uses to run the world. Let's dive into ways to block it like it’s hot, so you can run the world too. 
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So, What Is Time-Blocking, Anyway?
Time-blocking is the fine art of scheduling every minute of your day in advance. Instead of letting tasks randomly invade your calendar, you assign specific chunks of time for each activity. Think of it as Marie Kondo-ing your schedule: everything has a place, and if it doesn’t spark joy (or productivity), it gets kicked to the curb. 
The Benefits of Time-Blocking
  1. Focus Mastery: With your day neatly blocked out, you can say “Bye Felicia” to distractions and hello to deep focus. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you're not constantly multitasking, or bouncing back and forth between tasks.
  2. Decision Fatigue? Not Today! When you know exactly what to do and when you save brainpower. No more endless debates over what to tackle next.
  3. Built-In Breaks: Time-blocking isn’t about working non-stop. It's about being smart with your time. Schedule breaks so you can recharge, block time for your peloton workout to break up your day, and keep your productivity levels (and your spirits) high.

Don't just take my word for it, even Forbe’s thinks Time-Blocking is a game-changer.

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How to Time-Block Like a Pro
  1. Set Your Priorities
    Before you start blocking, identify your top priorities for the day or week. What are the must-dos? What can wait? This will help you allocate your time wisely.
  2. Chunk It Up
    Break your day into blocks, assigning each chunk a specific task or group of tasks. Morning blocks might be for creative work, while afternoons are reserved for meetings.
  3. Use Tools That Rock
    Whether it’s your Calendar, a project management tool, or a good old-fashioned planner/notebook, pick a tool that suits your style. Just make sure it’s something you’ll use and stick to.
Here are a few of my fave tools to get you started 🔽:

📆 Google Calendar: Why it rocks? A staple for time management. It’s easy to use, integrates with most other apps, and allows you to create recurring events, set reminders, and even share your calendar with others. The "Focus Time" feature helps you block out periods for deep work without interruptions.

🛠️ Trello: Why it rocks? Trello is more than just a project management tool—it can also be a powerful calendar blocker. Use the calendar power-up to view your tasks on a timeline and block out time slots for different projects. It’s perfect for visual thinkers who like to drag and drop tasks into their day.

🕛 Clockify: Why it rocks? Clockify is a time-tracking tool that doubles as a calendar blocker. You can plan out your day, track how much time you spend on each task, and adjust as needed. It’s great for managers who want to be more mindful of how they allocate their time.

📒 The Time-Block Planner: A Daily Method for Deep Work in a Distracted World: Why it rocks? If you like jotting things down old school like I do, then this daily planner definitely deploys the power of time blocking in a way that you can feel to help you focus on what's important.

  1. Include Flex Time
    Life is unpredictable, so leave some buffer time in your schedule for unexpected tasks or mini-crises. You’ll thank yourself later.

  2.  Review and Adjust
    At the end of each day or week, review your time-blocking success. Did you overestimate your superhero abilities?  Here are 3 simple questions you can ask yourself as you check-in:
  • What did I overestimate time for?
  • What did I underestimate time for?
  • What work popped up that I didn’t plan or account for? and more importantly, why did this happen?
And if you do find that you gave a little too much this week, no worries, just tweak your schedule for the next week. It's how you learn.
💡Pro Tip: Try Themed Days
For those who want to level up their time-blocking, you can even try theming your days. Dedicate one day to meetings, another to creative tasks, and another to admin work. It’s like a playlist for your week, setting the right vibe for different types of work.
Just remember, time-blocking isn’t about rigidly controlling every minute. It’s about taking charge of your schedule so you can work smarter, not harder. By blocking it like it’s hot, you’re making space for both productivity and you-time.
And if you need a little help along the way, remember that Textio is here to support your journey to doing less, but better.
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