
Meet the new performance review

Meet the new performance review

Goodbye, busywork. Use Textio AI to boost your team’s performance with actionable feedback

Goodbye busywork. Use Textio AI to boost your team’s impact with actionable feedback

Build trust in the feedback process

Managers write more confidently. Employees get actionable feedback they trust. Everyone wins when every word is Textio Verified.


Grow careers, and your company

Most feedback today never gets used. With Textio, every word your managers write is helpful and actionable. And when your people do better, so does your business.

Green blob shape

Grow careers, and your company

Most feedback today never gets used. With Textio, every word your managers write is helpful and actionable. And when your people do better, so does your business.

You haven’t seen impact like this before

Goodbye trainings that don’t stick. When managers write with Textio:

Arrow down

Problematic feedback drops by over 50%

Arrow up

Employees get more actionable feedback


You save countless hours on manual review audits

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