Textio Feedback

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Struggling to give good feedback?
Everyone is. Save yourself hours—try Textio today.

Join 100,000+ managers using Textio

This is what great feedback looks like

Textio gives you confidence as a manager that your feedback is clear and actionable.

  • From timely feedback to annual reviews (even your own)

    teal-checkInterview feedback

    teal-checkEveryday feedback

    teal-checkPerformance reviews

    teal-checkSelf assessments

    teal-checkPeer feedback

    teal-checkUpward feedback

    teal-checkInterview feedback

    teal-checkEveryday feedback

    teal-checkPeer feedback

    teal-checkUpward feedback

    teal-checkPerformance reviews

    teal-checkSelf assessments

    How it works


    Shortcut prompts

    Managers have a lot on their plates. Textio guides them through crafting feedback with quick and easy prompts.

    message-plus 1 (2)

    Real-time guidance

    Textio highlights language that doesn’t belong in performance feedback, and makes it one-click easy to say something better.


    Write it with Textio AI

    Don’t have a way with words? Don’t worry about it. Write the raw thoughts and Textio will fix it up and fill it in for you, instantly.


    Risk detection

    When Textio sees comments about a person’s physical appearance, parental status, and more, it flags them for removal.


    Tone adjuster

    Strike an empathetic and direct tone with Textio’s help. In-line guidance shows you how to phrase feedback so it lands.


    Feedback organizer

    Save and organize all the feedback you’ve given to team members, all in one place. Reference old conversations to track progress.


    Results are in

    Quality feedback has clear ROI. See the Velera case study.

    Start your two-week free trial today