Find out how the language in your employer brand is really working

You work at a large company and it’s time to fill a hiring requisition. So you head over to the job posts repository, try to find a post you remember from three or four years ago that’s similar to the one you’re hiring for (hopefully you didn’t hate it too much), make a few tweaks, and post it to the world. As the applicants start rolling in you realize none of them are quite right. You shrug and hope to find that diamond in the rough.
This workflow is so typical it could describe almost any company, and they all have the same thing in common. They’re not writing and managing their job listings in Textio, and because of this, they have no idea how well their jobs will perform. They have to post it “in the wild” and just see what happens. See what happens?! What happens is that the most qualified, best matched candidates gloss right over that stale old job ad and you just wait.
When you write with Textio, you start by looking in your shared job library for a recent, high scoring post that’s similar to the role you’re trying to fill. The Textio Score tells you how the language you’re using will resonate in the current job market. Language evolves, and what appealed to job seekers six months ago may now feel stale or cliché. Textio analyzes these language changes, from the data of nearly 400 million job posts with hiring outcomes, to provide easy-to-follow, visual insights to ensure that every edit you make comes with real-world data about what that specific change does to your hiring outcome!
But what about the language that you can’t change, like the “About the Company” and equal opportunity employer sections that the Brand team and Legal team and HR team have worked for months to perfect? In the initial workflow, people often accidentally edit these sections, creating an HR nightmare. Now, with Textio’s new Header/Footer feature, there’s a dedicated place to write and manage this language while still benefiting from Textio’s unique insights.
After writing in Textio, you publish the header and footer in a read-only format for all team members to use. Whether a writer is starting from scratch or from a high scoring document in their Textio job library, they can quickly find the header and footer that’s correct for them.
And what happens when it’s time to rebrand and the headers and footers in thousands of job posts are out of date? No problem. Rather than editing each job post one-by-one, simply make the updates, while incorporating the Textio insights, and publish out to all of the documents using the header and footer.
This Header/Footer feature is one more way Textio is empowering customers to build a powerful, impactful job library while reducing the time individual writers spend on each job post. Everyone wants to attract the best talent, with Textio, you will.