Look out, Chicago: here comes Textio!
If you haven’t been to any HR-related conferences yet in 2017, there are still a ton of opportunities. Use our interactive map of 2017 HR conferences to find nearby events — and send us suggestions if you have them!
We’ve just updated our map to highlight Textio’s appearance at the HRO Today Forum, May 1–3 in Chicago. We were selected to compete as one of 8 finalists in the invitation-only iTalent competition, which features up-and-coming HR technologies. Textio’s Director of Customer Success Engineering Charna Parkey will have just 5 minutes to pitch both judges and audience on the merits of Textio. Fresh on the heels of CEO Kieran Snyder wowing the audience of HR Tech World London and taking home a win with the highest score they’ve ever given out, we’re pretty excited to see how our platform goes over with the crowd in Chicago.
Then, before you know it… June will be here, with a slew of overlapping HR conferences around the country:
- Recruiter Nation Live: San Francisco, 6/5–7 (Textio will be there!)
- HR Business Intelligence Event : Boston, 6/13–14
- HR Tech World : San Francisco 6/14–15 (Textio will be there!)
- SHRM’s annual conference : New Orleans 6/18–21
- Inclusion Summit : Reston, VA 6/19–20
- HCI Strategic Talent Acquisition : Boston 6/26–28 (Textio will be there!)
- Talent42 : Seattle 6/27–28 (Textio will be there!)
Most conferences offer early-bird discounts, so start your planning now. And if you expect to attend one of the conferences where Textio will be, drop us a line, we’d love to meet up with you in person!