Learn how to give remote feedback effectively without awkwardness. Discover tips on sharing reviews early, using prompts for discussion, and building trust with your team. Boost engagement and communication skills today.

ChatGPT for HR: 4 questions to ask before you buy a new AI tool
Ask yourself these 4 questions before using ChatGPT or any other AI solution at work.

Job description vs. job post: Understanding the key differences
When do you need a job description vs. job post? Learn the differences and when to use each.

Employer Branding
Employee engagement in a WFH world: what to know
How to support a newly remote workforce, based on language data

For the second year in a row Textio named “Top Product” by Human Resource Executive Magazine
Textio Hire takes home this year’s top tech prize

Textio takes home Best AI Product for HR award and lands at #28 on Disrupt 100
Honors roll in from both CogX and Disrupt 100

How to fight diversity fatigue: a recorded webinar
Practical advice on diversity & inclusion from Atlassian’s Aubrey Blanche and Kieran Snyder, CEO and Co-founder of Textio

Announcing Textio Hire
Boost engagement with both active and passive job candidates using augmented writing

‘Fire your headhunter’: How Orrick found the highest quality candidates without the fees
How Orrick connected their hiring managers back into the writing process

The 3 myths about job descriptions you need to stop believing now
Once you let go of these beliefs, you’ll start writing better job posts

Houston Astros’ World Series win is also a win for predictive data
What HR can learn from baseball

Why high turnover jobs have the highest Textio scores
How changes in language impact hiring across industries

How Broadridge doubled qualified applicants
Twice as many qualified people apply to Broadridge job postings that have a Textio Score of 90 or above
What happens at HR Tech does not stay at HR Tech
A few takeaways from this year's conference

Textio named “Top Product” by Human Resource Executive Magazine
Here's what Human Resources Executive Magazine editors had to say

5 things to do this week at HR Tech Conference
See sessions with Textio CEO Kieran Snyder, plus industry experts Josh Bersin, Matt Charney and more

Three quick tips for a well-written job description—based on today’s hiring data
Like Goldilocks, a standout job post has the just-right mix of bullets, word count, and sentence length

The Voice: Don’t write like Human Resources, write like a human being.
Tips for building a great employer brand through job posts

Three questions you should ask before investing in “AI” for HR
The artificial intelligence label is everywhere in HR tech for 2017. Will it actually help you hire better? Here’s how to decide.

Come meet Textio in Bellevue, San Francisco & Boston!
In June Textio will be at Recruiter Nation Live, Cloud Tech Summit, HR Tech World San Francisco & HCI Strategic Acquisition Conference

Want to attract top talent? Avoid “orange phrases” in your job description
Orange highlights in Textio indicate language patterns that statistically deter qualified people from applying to your job

NVIDIA reboots its job description engine
A culture of innovation is fueling the enterprise-wide reinvention of job postings at NVIDIA, and it starts with Textio

Can Sephora & Ulta catch their online competition in hiring?
Birchbox takes the cake in the Textio Index

Look out, Chicago: here comes Textio!
Textio’s 2017 tour of HR conferences continues with stops in Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle.

The secret to how beauty brands are going gender neutral
The secret to how beauty brands are going gender neutral. Four of the five top beauty brands have gender neutral job posts. The one that doesn’t might surprise you.

Textio makes the shortlist for two big HR tech awards
Textio makes the shortlist for two big HR tech awards. London’s disruptHR and Chicago’s iTalent competition have both selected Textio as a finalist for their HR tech competitions.

Find a 2017 HR tech conference near you
Find a 2017 HR tech conference near you. Use this interactive map of HR technology events to pinpoint your nearest and best learning opportunity.

HR buzzword bingo
HR buzzword bingo. When data meets corporate clichés — some stay, some go.

Introducing the Textio 50
Introducing the Textio 50. The world’s top companies by recruiting performance.
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