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Secret language of your job posts

In December we published a story on how the language found in your job posts reveals your true company culture. Under the title “1000 different people, the same words,” Textio used its data to show how every company has distinctive language patterns that emerge across thousands of job listings, and those words and phrases reflects what they value as an organization.

We received a chorus of responses to the blog, sparking conversations across Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and more. It quickly became our most popular blog ever, and it was clear we had struck a chord. Here are a few of the themes that came through from the online conversations.

Acclaimed author and Wharton professor Adam Grant, along with many others, noted how important this data is to revealing corporate values:

Current and former employees of companies mentioned in the blog post often said that these words and phrases reflected their own experiences:

Several people commented on how this language might increase—or decrease—their desire to work at a given company:

Plenty of other readers wanted to know how their company would fare if their job posts were put to the test:

Let’s keep pushing this conversation forward! Next month, on February 5th, we’ll be hosting a webinar featuring Textio CEO (and linguist) Kieran Snyder, so you can learn more about how the hidden language of your job posts reflects your true company culture and impacts your hiring.

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