Welcome Joelle, Pete, and Matt!

We are thrilled to announce that three stellar advisors are joining our team!
When I met Joelle Emerson through a friend last fall, she was a women’s rights attorney battling workplace discrimination issues. I was about a month into Textio and she was considering striking out on her own.
We scheduled a 30-minute call one Tuesday night and ended up talking for an hour and a half. You know how you meet someone and you just know right away that they get it? That’s how I felt talking to Joelle the first time, and how I’ve felt talking to her every time since.
Today Joelle is the CEO and Founder of Paradigm, a revolutionary strategy firm that is redefining how tech companies develop diverse and inclusive teams. Joelle’s experience in understanding workplace bias is unparalleled, and I was delighted when she agreed to join Textio as an advisor.
I was introduced to Pete Kazanjy through one of our investors. As one of the founders behind TalentBin, Pete is an expert on our customers, and I wanted to get some feedback from him on what we were building before we launched our beta. As with Joelle, our first conversation went on much longer than we’d scheduled. His feedback was so fast and so perceptive that I almost couldn’t capture it all.
Like me, Pete spent quite a bit of time as a PM before starting TalentBin. He is also quite literally writing the book on enterprise sales for technical founders. I realized early in knowing Pete that if I could find a way to mind-meld with him, it would rapidly accelerate my own learning. He knows our customers and he understands our journey. He is a phenomenal addition to our advisory team.
Not long after I met Pete, he introduced me to Matt Charney, the Executive Editor of Recruiting Daily. Matt came with a warning: he sees a lot of HR and recruiting technology, and he’s skeptical of anything that purports to be game-changing.
Matt and I hit it off immediately. Within minutes of trying Textio, he understood our vision. With his deep history in both marketing and recruiting, Matt is uniquely positioned to understand the relationship between the words you choose to represent your company and the people you end up hiring. Matt’s background and industry reach give him a critical perspective on Textio’s real value to recruiters.
Joelle, Pete, and Matt, we are so thrilled that you are part of our journey. Welcome to Textio!