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Announcing Textio for performance management

We proudly announce Textio Lift: an all-new Textio performance management solution to reduce bias and increase equity in your organization. Learn more.
Textio for performance management product. Feedback in the Textio editor, and tooltip of Textio feedback suggestions on the right.

Women receive 22% more feedback about their personality than men. Black women receive nearly 9x as much feedback that isn’t actionable compared to white men under 40. White men under 40 get the word “brilliant” in performance feedback 8.7x more than women over 40.

These are just some of the findings from Textio’s recent research on language bias in performance feedback. If you’re among the many perceptive folks in Talent and DEIB, you’ve sensed these inequities all along. Perhaps you’ve received your own unhelpful or unfair “feedback” over the years. It’s not in your head: The data is clear.

Today we proudly announce Textio for managers: an all-new performance management solution to reduce bias and increase equity in your organization. 

For years, Textio has been empowering organizations with the world’s most advanced language insights to communicate and recruit more inclusively. Textio is helping Talent and DEIB teams optimize their language and build mindful muscles, to create sustainably diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplaces—and now we’re excited to help in new ways.


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Textio for managers helps Talent and DEIB leaders address inequities in employee development patterns across their organization. By coaching managers to give bias-free and actionable feedback every time, organizations can ensure everyone is getting the quality feedback they need to help them grow, engage, and contribute to the success of their organization.

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See what it's like to give great feedback, lightning fast

Address inequities in career advancement

Textio research shows that the most underrepresented groups are getting the least quality feedback.

When a group of people continues to receive unclear or irrelevant critiques—comments about their personality, for instance, or vague complaints or praise that aren’t actionable—they don’t get the information they need to improve, and to take on new challenges. Disparities emerge and inequities deepen.

Now with Textio, you can catch these trends as they’re developing. You can see which groups are getting which kinds of feedback, and take immediate action to help managers be fair and focused.


The reports in Textio allow leaders to:

  • Evaluate all performance feedback against consistent criteria, including clarity, directness, relevance, specificity, actionability, and orientation toward growth.
  • Get real-time insights broken out by demographic group and department.
  • See key takeaways that guide you to the areas that need corrective action most urgently.

Schedule a demo for Textio for managers

Equip leaders to manage fairly and effectively

When everyone’s getting useful feedback, teams are more engaged, productive, and resilient. When biased and unhelpful feedback is allowed, people hit barriers to career growth, burn out, and ultimately leave.

Textio provides real-time coaching to managers as they’re writing reviews, evaluations, and daily feedback. It finds unconscious bias and analyzes feedback for relevance, specificity, actionability, orientation toward growth, and more. In-the-moment guidance ensures all managers give bias-free, actionable, and impactful feedback to every employee, every time.

When managers write feedback with Textio, they’ll be guided to:

  • Make it clear: Textio helps you write clearly, simplifying complex sentences and paragraphs so your feedback is easy to read and understand.
  • Make it actionable: Textio notes where you should provide specific examples and constructive suggestions to help your employee grow.
  • Make it about work: Textio guides you away from personality-based feedback and toward relevant comments that focus on an employee’s work and behaviors.

Textio in your performance management system

Textio currently integrates directly into Workday, so you can get feedback guidance right where you’re already writing it.

Textio for Performance Feedback within the Workday environment.

Don’t use Workday? Don’t worry—stay tuned for more ways to use Textio for managers. Sign up here to receive updates.

Don’t let bias hold your people back

Recruit inclusively, build diverse teams, and invest in your people with fair, useful feedback that helps them develop and shine. It’s a powerful way to make a big DEIB impact—and to keep it going indefinitely.

Don’t let another review cycle—another day—go by without analyzing your organization’s feedback, identifying inequities, and supporting managers in their important and difficult jobs of helping folks develop, fairly and effectively. See how Textio can help.

Topics: Featured, Employee engagement, Equity, Feedback, employee development