Find a 2017 HR tech conference near you

Early Tuesday morning, HIREConf will kick off near Madison Square Park in New York City, which means 2017’s nonstop schedule of HR conferences is already in full swing. What are your plans for professional growth this year? Small groups or big conferences? Far away or close to home?
HIREConf seems to be taking the regional approach by offering a one-day event and appealing to locals: if you live nearby, just hop the train to NoMad for a quick, strong dose of talent-acquisition smarts. But if you’re looking for three full days of wall-to-wall speakers and networking sessions, you’ll need to head out to something like SourceCon in Anaheim, or the HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas.
Pick your passion
I’ve been doing a lot of research into HR conferences to figure out which ones Textio should attend this year, so I figured I’d map them out and share what I found. There are dozens of events, with different focal points spanning the entire calendar, so you have to be selective. At Textio we are passionate about the future of HR technology, recruitment, and diversity and inclusion, so you’ll see those themes reflected in my selections. And you’ll find many of the usual suspects in there, but also a few that may be less obvious, like:
- SXSW in Austin is world-famous as a music conference, but they also have a “workplace” track that includes cutting-edge presentations on HR issues and technology. Shout-out to Matt Charney from Recruiting Daily, who recommended this one to me.
- The People Analytics Conference at The Wharton School is more academic than your typical vendor expo, but they do have a startup competition and you’ll be hearing from some of the smartest folks in the world when it comes to people science (including Textio’s own CEO Kieran Snyder!)
Here is our map!
Just click on a pin to see the dates and a link to that conference’s website. I’ve green-starred the events that Textio will be attending this year (so far), in case you want to come by and say hello! I’ll keep updating this map with new developments, so drop me a line at if you think there is one I should add.
You can click here to open this up in Google Maps and view the full list of cities sorted by date.