Textio CEO nominated for Geekwire award
The last year has been incredible for Textio. Amazing new people have joined our team, including Daisy dePaulis, our new VP of sales. We added new features, launched Opportunities, revamped our entire product, and unveiled the Textio Index.
And most importantly, we built deeper relationships with our customers. We worked with amazing people who achieved fantastic results from using Textio. Expedia shortened time to hire by five days. Vodafone hired 7% more women. SendGrid and 2U use Textio to help them attract more qualified and diverse candidates, faster.
Which is why it is thrilling to see our community support our work by nominating Textio co-founder and CEO, Kieran Snyder, as CEO of the Year in the GeekWire awards. Each GeekWire award is based on nominations and votes from the community. The awards ceremony serves to celebrate the iconoclasts, innovators, and disruptors of the Pacific Northwest. Since these awards are driven by the community, we’d love your vote, to put Kieran in the winning spot!