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What is good performance feedback?

It's clear and concise

When delivering feedback, it's crucial to be straightforward and to the point. Overly wordy feedback can dilute the message, leaving the recipient needing clarity about what needs improvement.

Example of less effective feedback: "Your email was somewhat clear, but it could benefit from some revisions, especially in the sections where you explain the project details; it would be helpful to add more specific examples to clarify your points."

An example of clear and concise feedback is: "Your email needs more specific examples to clarify the project details."

Concise communication makes sure that the recipient understands your core points without any ambiguity.

It's actionable

Actionable feedback helps employees grasp the intended message and understand how to apply it.

Example of vague feedback: "Your team meetings need improvement."

An example of actionable feedback is: "In your last team meeting, there was a lack of clear agenda items, making it hard for the team to stay focused. Ensure each meeting has a clear agenda and sticks to it."

Specific, actionable feedback provides clear direction, making implementing changes more accessible for the recipient.

It's bias-free

Providing bias-free feedback is essential for fostering a fair and inclusive work environment. Focus on specific behaviors and outcomes rather than personal characteristics or biases.

An example of biased feedback is, "You're too emotional in your decision-making."

Example of bias-free feedback: "During the last project, there were instances where your decisions seemed reactive rather than strategic. Let's work on developing a more strategic approach."

Effective feedback should focus on specific behaviors or actions, ensuring it is objective and actionable.

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It's empathetic and constructive

Overly vague feedback, even when driven by the desire to be friendly, can be as unhelpful as harsh criticism. Aim for clear, specific, and actionable feedback while being supportive.

Example of overly vague feedback: "Maybe you could try to be a bit more proactive in team discussions because sometimes it seems like your input comes a bit late in the conversation, and we miss out on your ideas."

An example of constructive feedback is, "Contribute your ideas earlier in team discussions to ensure your input is considered during decision-making."

The goal is to provide honest yet supportive feedback, encouraging growth without demoralizing the recipient.

It encourages growth

Performance feedback should always aim to encourage growth. It should highlight areas for improvement while acknowledging the recipient's efforts and achievements.

This balanced approach fosters a positive environment where individuals feel motivated to improve. Remember, the quality of feedback matters more than the quantity.

By focusing on these characteristics, you can deliver clear, actionable, bias-free, constructive, and growth-oriented feedback, ultimately helping your team thrive.

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