What makes Restoration Hardware job descriptions stand out?
A couple weeks ago there was huge internet uproar over “The Couch.” The couch in question was the “Peggy Sofa” sold by West Elm. Was is the operative word here, because last week West Elm pulled the couch from stores and online.
Home furnishings is a crowded market, and in order to avoid these public flubs, you must hire the best. We wanted to know if there were other furniture retailers that are betting on good hiring as a differentiator.
We looked at the Textio Index to see how major furniture chains stacked up on hiring. While Williams-Sonoma (West Elm’s parent company) scored a 44 and Pottery Barn scored a 15, one company had 15 points higher than the next best furniture store: Restoration Hardware with a score of 59.
While Restoration Hardware still has a way to go before they hit a 90+, they are at the front of the pack as far as crafting their job posts. We looked at their job listings and something immediately stood out, they follow the advice from “How to Write Your Best Job Post Ever, Part 3” very closely. Look at how they balance “We vs You” statements, in this part about their company values:
Below, you can see Restoration Hardware has a strong equal opportunity statement. Jobs with strong equal opportunity statements fill an average of 10% more quickly than jobs without them: