10 of the Most Innovative Companies of 2018 have one thing in common

What makes a company innovative? Answering that question is at the core of Fast Company’s annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies. And this year’s top 10 included Spotify and the NBA. Every company is made up of people and those people can help drive innovation forward or can hinder it. The underlying success of any great company is based on getting the right people in the room to create the future.
Despite the incredibly restricted talent market, companies like Spotify and the NBA are making attracting the best talent a priority and are using Textio to meet their ambitious goals.
“Textio is the easiest technology we have launched with the highest user satisfaction.” — Christine Del Regno, Director of Recruiting, CVSNot only were 3 of the top 10 most innovative companies using Textio, but #33 Slack was also on the top 50. Fast Company also named 10 companies across a couple categories, and it was no surprise to see Textio customers in those lists as well. Our customers NVIDIA and Adobe landed on the AI list. When NVIDIA’s job descriptions reach a Textio Score of 70 or above, their roles fill 17% faster than their baseline average. Jobs that score 90 or above in Textio perform even better — they fill in half the time!
“Everyone is looking at the Textio scores. Everyone wants to see us improve, right up to our CEO.” — Monica Spehar, Program Manager for University Recruiting and Diversity, NVIDIAIn the Enterprise technology category, our customers Atlassian, Box, and VMware all were lauded. In two years of using Textio, Atlassian went from 10% female technical graduates to 57% female technical graduates.
“Textio fundamentally changed the composition of our workforce.” — Aubrey Blanche, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, AtlassianAnd it’s no surprise these innovators have chosen Textio: innovative companies flock to other innovative companies. And not to pat ourselves on the back too much, but Textio also landed on Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies list in the Data Science Category.