Introducing the Textio 50

Over and over and again, Textio customers find that the language they use in recruiting concretely affects who they hire. Together, we have proven that the language you use in a job post changes who applies, which ultimately determines who gets hired, and how fast.
These factors in turn determine critical performance outcomes for your company, like productivity, diversity, and employee retention. It’s not an accident that talent is the biggest cost center in any organization. The talent you attract constrains or expands the future of your business — and the words you use to recruit people measurably alter how well you compete for talent.
It’s hard to write inspiring job posts
That being said, it’s not easy to write a good job post. After all, a job post is literally an advertisement — it must genuinely inspire readers of broad talents and interests to trust you with one of the most important decisions of their lives: where to work next.
Writing to engage people with highly varied backgrounds across many types of roles is even tougher as you scale and need to bring new skill sets into your team. It’s a whole different level when you need to ensure that many thousands of job posts that go out representing your company are all individually compelling and effective.
At Textio, we love giving credit to companies that are doing this well. That’s why today, we are pleased to celebrate the introduction of the Textio 50. These 50 organizations are the upper echelon of an index of nearly 60,000 organizations around the world ranked by recruiting performance.
Predictions for nearly 60,000 companies worldwide
Textio’s predictive engine is built on an enormous data foundation of more than 45 million job posts and their performance outcomes. The engine uses models learned from real hiring outcome data to constantly score published job listings of every company in the world on both hiring performance and gender tone . We call that the Textio Index. Starting today, anyone can search the Textio Index for free at and instantly find out your company’s score.
The Textio 50 companies rank at the top of all of the organizations around the globe whose scores make up the Textio Index. They are the highest-scoring companies that have listed at least 500 jobs publicly. They also all have a tone bias that is gender-neutral. Every one of them has faced the scale challenge of making sure that every job post that goes out the door passes the quality bar.
The companies found on this list span industries and geographies, but they have one thing in common: all of them are going to win higher quality talent faster than their key competitors in the coming year. Congratulations to the first-ever Textio 50!