Job description best practices based on hiring data
Job descriptions

Job description vs. job post: Understanding the key differences
When do you need a job description vs. job post? Learn the differences and when to use each.

Attract talent with a growth mindset
Growth mindset language is more likely to attract talent inclusively

Job descriptions
The 5Cs framework for inclusive job descriptions
5 things to keep in mind to write an inclusive job description

Customer Stories
And the Textio Equity Award goes to…
Congratulations to these organizations for earning the 2022 Textio Equity Award!

Announcing the 2022 Textio Awards winners
Congratulations to these organizations for earning the 2022 Textio Leadership Award!

Does pay transparency bring inclusion? The data says yes
Early data from Colorado says showing pay bands increases appeal of a job post to women and people of all ages

Gender Equality
The inaugural Textio Equity Awards go to…
These organizations had the largest share of gender-neutral job posts in 2020

Meet the winners of the Textio Transformation Award
Honoring organizations with the biggest Textio Score increases in 2020

Announcing the recipients of our first-ever Textio Awards
Congratulations to these organizations for earning the 2020 Textio Leadership Award!

Repeating yourself: How to fix the broken-record job post
Tips to reduce redundancy when writing job descriptions
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