Discover why top performers quit their jobs within a year and how to prevent it. Learn about the impact of low-quality feedback on employee retention and how to improve feedback processes.
Learn the key elements of effective performance feedback: clear, actionable, bias-free, constructive, and growth-oriented. Deliver feedback that fosters growth and motivates improvement.
Learn from industry leaders on how to help your team prioritize effectively. Tips include setting clear goals, individualizing approaches, and maintaining team alignment.
Learn how to give remote feedback effectively without awkwardness. Discover tips on sharing reviews early, using prompts for discussion, and building trust with your team. Boost engagement and communication skills today.
Discover actionable insights from Tracie Sponenberg’s latest blog post, "Implementing a People-First Culture," inspired by a thought-provoking Textio webinar. Learn strategies to foster trust, transparency, and growth in the workplace.
Discover what it truly means to lead with a People-First mindset in Anessa Fike’s latest blog. She shares practical strategies to build an inclusive, employee-centered workplace culture, including how to align core values with the diverse perspectives of your team and foster a thriving, engaged workforce.
Explore Tracie's journey through burnout and recovery, uncover the hidden truths about workplace burnout, and gain actionable strategies to thrive, including a downloadable handout to keep with you as you practice.