
All stories
Hiring insights reveal progress in DEI
New hiring insights reveal DEI progress continues with diversity language...
Drawing of a scale with pencils surrounding it
How to craft a sincere equal opportunity employer statement
Data and tips for writing a meaningful and effective equal opportunity...
Welcome mat blog header
12 practical diversity and inclusion activities you can start today
Many DEI activities for the workplace require a lot of time and effort....
Measuring DEI success: 5 places to look for progress
Measuring DEI success: 5 places to look for progress
When measuring DEI success, representation isn’t the only thing that...
Graphic of Textio Inspiration Award badge on left and Shaw Communications logo on right with text underneath that reads "Honorable Mention"
How Shaw Communications shares its inclusive culture with candidates
Congrats to Textio Inspiration Award winner, Shaw!
Graphic of Textio Inspiration Award badge on left and checkout.com logo on right with text under it reading "RUNNER-UP"
How Checkout.com’s inclusive language work inspires real behavioral change
Congrats to Textio Inspiration Award winner, Checkout.com!
How Uncommon Goods brings DEIB into their workplace, marketplace, and community
Congrats to Textio Inspiration Award winner, Uncommon Goods!
Does pay transparency bring inclusion? The data says yes
Early data from Colorado says showing pay bands increases appeal of a job...
Showing candidates you value inclusion, in all the places they’re looking
Textio guidance is now available in LinkedIn posts and comments
A more holistic approach to inclusion and belonging
A stronger talent attraction system means cultivating belonging
The power of language and its role in inclusion
How your words can amplify a virtuous cycle of belonging
What we mean when we say inclusion
Rethinking your approach to inclusion
Be mindful of sports jargon in your talent content
That phrase may not be “nothing but net”
A conversation with Denise Branch, Forbes-featured anti-racism educator
Insights on how to truly effect change with anti-racism work
Avoiding harmful language in hiring content
Textio now provides expanded guidance for offensive phrases, developed from...
Ring graphs for words like "diversity" "empathy" "culture" and more showing decreasing percentages
Hiring language points to unequal economic recovery
Inclusive language in hiring content is suddenly dropping after years of...
Calling out microaggressions: one leader’s experience sharing her “Blaxhaustion™”
An instructive example of the total cost of experiencing microaggressions...
5 Slack best practices for inclusive companies
Foster a culture of belonging through your internal communications
4 overlooked types of bias in business writing
How implicit bias shows up in (and upends) everyday work writing
It starts with the message you’re sending
How the County of Los Angeles is changing its candidate pipeline with...
Cartoon image of a persons hand over their heart making a pledge with a sign behind saying "words are actions"
When words become actions: diversity pledges vs. cultural truths
CEOs are pledging to do better on diversity, but the real-world impact of...
Photo of Crosscut courage awards with date and time of event pictured
Textio CEO takes home the Crosscut Courage in Technology Award
Kieran Snyder honored for her work to transform the culture of the tech...
A stylized ice cream cone with Textio and McDonalds logos
Textio signs on with McDonald’s Corporation to bring augmented writing to their recruiting emails and job posts
In conjunction with International Women’s Day, McDonald’s looks to innovate...
Documents, emails and content floating around a button with the word shared
Why sharing is critical to job posts that attract the most qualified candidates
Writing together in Textio makes your workflow faster and more efficient
Debiasing artificial intelligence
AI platforms are only as good as the data they keep
How to fight diversity fatigue, Aubrey Blanche Global Head of D&I at Atlassian with Kieran Snyder, PhD co-founder and CEO at Textio Webinar Recording
How to fight diversity fatigue: a recorded webinar
Practical advice on diversity & inclusion from Atlassian’s Aubrey...
Kieran Snyder co-founder and CEO of Textio with Michael Krupa Senior Director Office of Inclusion and Collaboration at Cisco
How Cisco is finding 18% more qualified candidates and filling roles a week faster
Augmented writing joins Cisco’s hiring technology suite
Nvidia graphics card
NVIDIA chalks up major hiring gains to augmented writing technology
New hiring metrics show exactly how Textio is helping NVIDIA innovate to...
Secret language of your job posts
Continuing the conversation around language and company culture
Kieran Snyder co-founder and CEO of Textio with Sjoerd Gehring, VP of Talent Acquisition & Employee Experience at Johnson & Johnson
How Johnson & Johnson is adding 90,000 more women to their hiring pipeline
Using data science to reinvent the recruiting process at J&J
‘Fire your headhunter’: How Orrick found the highest quality candidates without the fees
How Orrick connected their hiring managers back into the writing process
Kieran Snyder co-founder and CEO of Textio with Aubrey Blanche Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion at Atlassian
How Atlassian went from 10% female technical graduates to 57% in two years
Diversity as a Science
Photo by Evernote
How Evernote attracts more qualified and diverse applicants
An analysis of hiring performance before and after Textio
The 3 myths about job descriptions you need to stop believing now
Once you let go of these beliefs, you’ll start writing better job posts
Image of a person wearing an embroidered co-op jacket in a produce isle, Photo by The Co-Op Group
How the science behind Textio helped The Co-Op reach 17% more qualified candidates
Writing more efficiently, and with better results
Broadridge associates celebrated the firm’s 10-year anniversary by ringing the opening bell at NYSE in June this year. (Photo from Broadridge.)
How Broadridge doubled qualified applicants
Twice as many qualified people apply to Broadridge job postings that have a...
5 things to do this week at HR Tech Conference
See sessions with Textio CEO Kieran Snyder, plus industry experts Josh...
Small startup competes big for talent
Red-hot tech startup Clarifai rolls out Textio to their entire team to...
Scale with boxes on each side, 6 boxes on the left with blue conversation bubbles, one box on the right with a purple conversation bubble
Watch your (gender) tone
How Textio reveals the unconscious bias that’s lurking in your job postings...
Strategic talent acquisition 2017 conference June 26-28 Boston
Augmentation, not automation, is the future of hiring tech
Reporting from the HCI Strategic Talent Acquisition 2017 conference
Which hiring metrics truly matter?
Only the metrics that you’re willing to be accountable to
Line up of colored pencils creating a rainbow of colors
Do this for Pride Month: turn your “EEO statement” into an inclusion promise
Here are three equal employment opportunity additions that go beyond...
Positive spelled out in scrabble letters
If it ain’t broke, you’re probably going to fix it anyway
Given the opportunity, writers choose to improve what’s good nearly twice...
Open road
Data-driven to perfection
Now Textio gives you more data behind the platform’s guidance to improve...
Textio Score of 90
What is the Textio Score? Taking the subjectivity out of writing job descriptions
Your Textio Score tells you how fast your job will fill
Textio Index Ranking Environmental Organizations
The right hiring “environment”
Sierra Club leads the pack in hiring for environmental non-profits
How big law firms score talent
Latham & Watkins is over 10 points ahead of its legal competition in...
Only two of ten UK grocery chains have gender-neutral job posts
Most UK supermarket job listings will statistically attract more men than...
Kierand Snyder CEO winning top prize on stage at HR Tech World
Textio takes top prize at HR Tech World!
Making a big splash across the pond at London's premiere tech talent...
Textio Index Ranking: Cosmetics
The secret to how beauty brands are going gender neutral
The secret to how beauty brands are going gender neutral. Four of the five...
How to write your best job post ever part 5
How to write your best job post ever: Part 5
Write your job listings with real-time data to predict how applicants will...
AI + HR & SxSW
AI + HR & SxSW
AI + HR & SxSW. How artificial intelligence can help human resource...
See Textio live in London and Chicago!
Textio makes the shortlist for two big HR tech awards
Textio makes the shortlist for two big HR tech awards. London’s disruptHR...
Image of an audience having fun at a concert with blog title overlay
How to write your best job post ever: Part 4
Convince the best candidates to apply with language that’s performing well...
How to write your best job post ever: Part 3
The most effective listings are also the most engaging
Picture of room filled with toys. Textio Index Ranking: Toy Manufacturers. Find our free Textio Score free at textio.com
Lego’s gender tone in job posts might not be what you expect
Lego’s gender tone in job posts might not be what you expect. A look at how...
Image of a crowd at a concert with the blog title overlaid
How to write your best job post ever: Part 2
Concise job posts attract better people
How to write your best job post ever: Part 1
What’s the key to attracting good candidates? Let’s take a look at the data...
HR Buzzword Bingo. Get the data at textio.com/blog.
HR buzzword bingo
HR buzzword bingo. When data meets corporate clichés — some stay, some go....
Spotify vs. Cards Against Humanity
Here’s how to hire a former President
Here’s how to hire a former President. When one requirement is having a...
Dr. Martin Luther King looks on as President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The equal opportunity legacy of MLK
Including EOE language in your job posting is not required by law. It’s...
Thought bubbles the left is pink with a nurse and the word sympathetic there
How hiring language reinforces “pink collar” jobs
The way we write about healthcare jobs is leading to a shortage of labor in...
Speech bubbles
Equal opportunity jobs still hire faster
Job posts that use non-discrimination language continued to make gains in...
Textio Index Ranking: Department stores
Shopping for the best talent
How do big U.S. department stores stack up when it comes to hiring...
How language changed in tech jobs in 2016, fastest movers: gender identity, systems engineering, security clearance, minimal supervision, written communication; biggest losers: linux, hardware, process improvement, subject matter expert, fast-paced environment
Tech job language in 2016
Gender identity is in, hardware is out
Image of the night sky filled with stars, a person standing on a rock looking at the sky and a graph with ego on the y axis and learning on the x axis, the lines chart high ego low learning to low ego high learning in a line
Thankful for the Textios
A Thanksgiving story about food ... and data
Still looking for that "rock star" candidate? Here are 5 more terms that statistically mean your job post will fill very slowly.
Still looking for that “rock star” candidate?
Still looking for that “rock star” candidate? Here are 5 more terms that...
To fill tech jobs fast, "learn" more. Fact: tech job posts with learning language will fill faster and help you hire more women
To fill tech jobs faster, “learn” more
To fill tech jobs faster, “learn” more. Tech job posts with language about...
Two conversation bubbles on a place setting with light bulb icons in them
What’s next for Seattle talent?
Learnings from our Seattle talent leadership meetup
Plumbing pipes with a valve that shows it partially open with the word inclusion written on the lever for the valve
Your pipeline problem is that you’re not doing anything to reach the pipeline.
It's time to seriously invest in a new approach to talent
Achievement emojis in the Textio platform
Who needs Pokémon when you can catch Textímon?
Launching gamification in the Textio writing experience
Woman and robot standing on an a-frame ladder looking at a book together
Language in your job post predicts the gender of your hire
Jobs where a man was hired use nearly twice as many masculine-tone phrases...
Green heart in quotes
Textio now lets you customize your EOE statement
Word cloud
Language changes faster than you think
Looking back at the biggest winners and losers in the tech job lexicon